Research Strands
CIRRE aims to be a Research Centre that contributes to human well-being and the sustainability of the global environment, whilst contributing to the Welsh economy. The Centre’s research plans have been confirmed by the BBSRC and NERC as falling within a number of their priority research funding areas. The three main streams are:
1. The impacts and drivers of climate change in the rural environment, which include:
- developing a research programme in climate change and the linkage of carbon and nitrogen cycling
- interfacing with the Welsh Climate Change Consortium and Research Council initiatives such as Living with Environmental Change (LWEC)
- integrating with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Bangor
2. The management of rural landscapes to meet societal and economic demands, which includes research into:
- the impact of alternative spatial arrangements of rural landscapes elements on ecosystem services
- animal and human health and the rural environment
- the management of wildlife resources and the maintenance of biodiversity
- public engagement with the rural landscape
- socio-economic, hazard and risk modelling in the rural environment
- landscape-scale and ecological modeling
3. Developing science-based policy for the rural environment, which includes:
- Animal disease
- Biogeochemistry
- Biodiversity conservation
- Ecosystem health
- Waste management and pollution
- Energy and biofuels
- Epidemiology
- Social policy
- Flood risk
- Waste Management & Pollution